Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

I promise to post a longer one tomorrow with pic's and holiday stories...
i just wanted to wish all my friends and family a very Merry Chirstmas and a warm 'n fuzzy holiday with all your loved ones!!
i can't believe it's Boxing day today and Christmas was already YESTERDAY!!! wowsers...why does the time always seem to just fly by when you're having fun!
...keep having fun...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you Kim! Christmas flies by so fast! So much preperation and woosh! Gone in a few days...

Anyway I got my GIFT CERTIFICATES for your store and am now even more anxious for the January Class listing than usual! Let me know, can't wait!

Interested in having a Scrap night tomorrow night by chance? Hee hee, I have nothing planned and am anxious to get going!

Chat soon, have a good day!


Unknown said...

hope all went well for u over christmas
yes is goess by so fast
hee i like tara comment i also am anxious toget back to ur classes
have a greay new year

Dana L Gordon said...

I agree with Tara and Lori. Class soon.
Hope you had some good food and good entertainment and good company for the holidays. I did.
Talk to you later.
May all of you have a Happy New Year.