Saturday, March 24, 2007

you asked for it...

not the greatest pictures as mike took them on his cell phone...still looking for that perfect digial camera...
here i am ( sorry it took a while to post pictures of this "experience" ).
the first one is 4 days after the attack of the blonde bottle, and then i just got the pink put in the ends today...for the scrapaganza....for fun!
i guess the blonde has toned down a little, i'm still not used to it, but i have been getting some really nice compliments from people about it...wait til they see the pink!!! heeheehee!
you really have to see it in person...much brighter than it looks!!
hope you're enjoying your weekend everyone!!


Anonymous said...

Kim, I think it looks good girl. I always preferred being a blonde. And It looks good on you.

Anonymous said...

Kim, it looks awesome! Good for you! Did you go back to the same lady? I really liked the blond, and I'm not being partial. It suits your skin tone and looks perfectly natural. Way to go hottie!

Kim said...

thanks guys!!!
i'm getting used to the blonde now...i'm liking the fun of the pink too...(probably because the pink is just teporary for scrapaganza!!)
i did go back to the same girl...i gave her a chance to redeem herself! hahahhaahah!!! i really liked her personality and she did actually seem to really know what she was doing. the undertone just took so quickly to my hair that it was unexpected for both of us! she offered to do the "mocha streaks" as well, but i opted to not do it....
i'm getting used to it doesn't seem so LOUD anymore!!

becky said...

thanks for your sweet comment on my blog...totally made my day! i'm glad that i have a fellow scrapbooker, are you in HS's class?

i obviously love blondes, so i think you look great!