Tuesday, March 13, 2007


here's some new design team work i've done for the Scrapyard...it will be on display at the new store hopefully over this coming weekend! the top picture is an 8 x 8 chipboard hanging project i did using Mod Podge. fun stuff. and i also did 2 winter layouts ( but for some reason the main photo of the "i believe" layout would not come up to post...blogs, sheesh. anyway, i was asked to use the Basic Grey new line of papers called "fruitcake" so here's what came to mind!!


Leigh-Ann said...

Nice work Kim!!
PS> Did you get the cd?

Anonymous said...

I love those "winter time" layouts Kim Great job!!

Kim said...

LA and Deb...thanks for your praise!!! Deb, did you get my email about your blog and your layouts??

Anonymous said...

These look great Kim!