Thursday, September 3, 2009

random things about our last three days at the lake...

1) had my first ever TIRE BLOW-OUT on the hiway to the cabin tuesday...NOT fun.
thank God for Mike, ya know? my hero.
he left work to come and change the tire...what a guy!
( and yes, of course I took a picture of it....did you forget who I am??-wink )

2) the kids and I FINALLY exposed my mom to TWILIGHT for
tuesday night's cabin movie!!!
( she's totally Team Jacob...she's not my mother anymore....BAHAHAA!! )
we love edward in the griffin home...

3) endulged the kids in their favorite summer food EVER last night with supper...

4) got some really cute shots of this friendly, fearless little guy...

5) my boy was "minnow fishing" all afternoon today...he was also playing with them in his bare hands in the pail afterwards too...
( yes linda, he sanitized!!! hahahaha!!! )

"the minnow hotel"

...yep, a great couple days with awesome weather and even better company!!
now, off to the states for more adventures tomorrow!!
...don't forget to keep checking for my 300th POST GIVEAWAY coming soon!!!!


Tara said...

Hee hee! This was a fun post! That's so funny (but so you) that you took a pic of the blown tire.

Have a GREAT time in Grand Forks and talk to you when you get back!



Anonymous said...

so fun! well, except the tire.
Have a good road trip and looking forward to the 300th post!
see ya soon.
Lori N.

Tara said...

P.S. Can I just say how entirely appropriate it is that you put a picture of Edward every third or fourth post?


What is this about Team Jacob???? MAMA T!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I so knew you would take a pic of a tire!!! LMAO That is so adorable about Tyler and the mins.I actually was even going to have corn on the cob the other day but the guy who usually sells them close to us was gone...see ya nad have lots of fun in GF...Nikki