it's 12:01 A.M and it's officially Halloween!!!!
man, did it sneak up on me this year...are ya feeling it too?
i always try to be so organized and plan ahead ( buying classroom and dance friends treats and bags...getting all the house decorations up by the middle of October... ) stuff like that.
this year...HA!
i found myself with only the goodie bags for the treats ready in early October and yesterday and today was spent filling them with courtney and tyler for their classmates and dance friends! last night all the decorations went up, finally!
while i was in the states this weekend i bought some Wilton chocolate pumpkin molds and chocolate wafers and sticks to make suckers for the kids classmates as well....guess what i made today/tonight? ...50 chocolate pumpkin suckers wrapped in celophane bags and curling ribbon!!! whew!
AND....i also discovered a dilema early this morning....
one of our favorite things about halloween is carving our pumpkins together and letting the kids pull out all the 'pumpkin guts' ( although tyler STILL hates getting his hands dirty... ) but they always look forward to it. soooooo, i spent 2 hours this morning driving around different sobeys, safeways, superstores, and shreimers trying to find a pumpkin or two the day before halloween...GOOD LUCK! no one had 1 single pumpkin in sight!
what to do? what to do?
i decided to wait until tonight after courtney's dance lesson to look in stores out by her teacher's house...same ordeal.
in desperation and willing to admit defeat that our house would have no carved pumpkins this halloween, i got mike to call Amaze In Corn out St. Mary's road about 20 mins. out of the city.
"yes, we do have some pumpkins and we're open til 10pm"
courtney and i zipped on over there and luckily found a couple homely orange and green pumpkins to save Halloween afterall!!
Sooooo, it's now 12:16am and guess what i just finished doing?
yep, carving punkins'...
the kids, as per tradition, dug out the guts and mom got to work after they were tucked into bed!
what an ordeal!
...ready to 'pull out the guts'...BLAH!
i'm going to bed 'cuz tomorrow's gonna be insane!
tyler has his kindergarten party in the morning...courtney's class party is in the afternoon...costumes, makeup, lunches, head is already spinning!
what do you think of my carving job? they took me forever, especially the pirate...can't wait til the kids see them in the morning! they were sooooo excited when they went to bed tonight.
( remember to take lots of pictures! )