...(as in yesterday )
was TYLER'S 9th birthday!!!
he was having a visit this weekend, but being his birthday, we had some time for a little celebration (until monday nights family party...)
we picked Ty up from bowling and took him to Montana's for a bday lunch ( and I haven't been to Montana's since I quit in may 2008....WOW! )
...one chocolate milk, cheese pizza with apple slices and cookie birthday dessert later, we were on to some presents...
( TYLER WAS SOOOO SURPRISED AND EXCITED TO GO!!! - he's been asking for weeks )
( at the theatre...in our dorky 3D glasses...hahaha )
...The Biebs, he's a little bit o' alright....
nice kid. we all admittedly enjoyed the kids' big movie!!!
( my foot was tapping along to his songs..hahahaha...and tyler was comparing his own wardrobe to JB's and talking about getting a purple ball cap now...LOL )
( and of course, thinks since he plays piano too....someday...???? LOL....oh well, like the Biebs says...Never Say Never....)
...The Biebs, he's a little bit o' alright....
nice kid. we all admittedly enjoyed the kids' big movie!!!
( my foot was tapping along to his songs..hahahaha...and tyler was comparing his own wardrobe to JB's and talking about getting a purple ball cap now...LOL )
( and of course, thinks since he plays piano too....someday...???? LOL....oh well, like the Biebs says...Never Say Never....)
yesterday was also our perfectly sweet and adorable little bunny's 1st birthday as well...
courtney and i baked up these cute lil' cupcakes special for Tyler ( with Oliver in mind since he can't eat one ) and he loved them!!! - the bottoms of the liners have a bunny on them...
...so it was a good day, aside from all of us still being sick and sniffling and coughing...we were glad to come home and get into some jammies and have a lazy night at home...
still have lots to share...